Arie W. Kruglanski

Motivation and Cognition
Why people do what they do is what the study of motivation is all about, whereas the study of cognition is about how people think. Thinking was always hailed as the epitome of human rationality, whereas motivation, that is cravings, wishes, and desires, was thought of as a source of bias and distortion. People were admonished to “use their head” rather than “follow their heart” when making a decision. But psychological research in general, and papers in this section in particular recognize that the dichotomy between motivation and cognition is artificial. As we claim in our paper “All thinking is wishful thinking”, cognitive activity is propelled by our motivations. Our wishes and desires are cognitively represented. We are aware of our goals and pursue them with means we think are best.
Papers and book chapters in this section thus deal with the relation between our wishes and our ideas, and show how they are intertwined to jointly drive behavior.
Peer-Reviewed Papers
Szumowska, E., Wojcik, N., Schwed, P. & Kruglanski, A.W. (in press) Say who? Credibility Effects in Self-Verification Strivings. Psychological Science.
Pica, G. Milyavsky, M., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2021). The Epistemic Bases of Changes of Opinion and Choices:The Joint Effects of the Need for Cognitive Closure, Ascribed Epistemic Authority and Quality of Advice. European Journal of Social Psychology, 1-13. PDF
Szumowska, E. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2021). The psychology of getting busy: Multitasking as a consequence of goal activation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. PDF
Pierro, A., Pica, G., Dentale, F., Gelfand, M., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2020). The Unique Role of Regulatory Mode Orientations in Implicit and Explicit Self-Forgiveness. Social Psychology. Advance online publication. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Szumowska, E. & Kopetz. C.E. (2021). The call of the wild: How extremism happens. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30(2), 181-185. PDF
Jasko, K, Webber, D. Molinario, E. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2021). Ideological Extremism among Syrian Refugees Is Negatively Related to Intentions to Migrate to the West. Psychological Science. PDF
Kossowska, M., Szumowska, E., Szwed, P. Czernatowicz-Kukuczka, A. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2020). Helping when the desire is low: Expectancy as a Booster. Motivation and Emotion. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Jasko, K. & Friston, K. (2020). All thinking is wishful thinking. Trends in Cognitive Science. PDF
Baldner, C., Jaume, L. C., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2019). the epistemic bases of prejudice: the role of need for cognitive closure. TPM: Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 26(3), 447-461. PDF
Dugas, M., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2018). Shared Reality as Collective Closure. Current opinion in Psychology, 23, 72-76. PDF
Kossowska, M., Szumowska, E., Dragon, P., Jaśko, K., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2018). Disparate roads to certainty processing strategy choices under need for closure. European Review of Social Psychology, 29(1), 161-211. PDF
Kruglanski, A. W., Factor, A., & Jaśko, K. (2018). Is “behavior” the problem?. Social Psychological Bulletin, 13, e26138. PDF
Kruglanski, A. W., Jasko, K., Milyavsky, M., Chernikova, M., Webber, D., Pierro, A., & di Santo, D. (2018). All about cognitive consistency: A reply to commentaries. Psychological Inquiry, 29(2), 109-116. PDF
Kruglanski, A. W. (2017). Motivational phases on the road to action. Motivation Science, 3(3), 196-207. PDF
Milyavsky, M., Kruglanski, A.W., Chernikova, M., & Schori-Eyal, N. (2017). Evidence for arrogance: On the relative importance of expertise, outcome, and manner information. PLOS One, 12(7), E0180420. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Chernikova, M., Jasko, K. (2017). Social psychology circa 2016: A field on steroids. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(1), 1-10. PDF
Kossowska, M., Bukowski, M., Guinote, A., Dragon, P., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2016). Self-image threat decreases stereotyping: The role of motivation toward closure. Motivation and Emotion, 40(6), 830-841. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Chernikova, M., Jasko, K. (2016). Aspects of motivation: Reflections on Roy Baumeister’s essay. Motivation and Emotion, 1-5. PDF
Brizi, A., Mannetti, L., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2016). The closing of open minds: Need for closure moderates the impact of uncertainty salience on outgroup discrimination. British Journal of Social Psychology, 55(2), 244-262. PDF
Bélanger, J. J., Pierro, A., Barbieri, B., De Carlo, N. A., Falco, A., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2016). One size doesn’t fit all: the influence of supervisors’ power tactics and subordinates’ need for cognitive closure on burnout and stress. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25(2), 287-300. PDF
Pica, G., Bélanger, J. J., Pantaleo, G., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2016). Prejudice in person memory: Self-threat biases memories of stigmatized group members. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46(1), 124-131. PDF
Bélanger, J. J., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2015). Social power tactics and subordinates’ compliance at work: The role of need for cognitive closure. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology, 65(4), 163-169. PDF
Roets, A., Kruglanski, A. W., Kossowska, M., Pierro, A., & Hong, Y. Y. (2015). Chapter Four-The Motivated Gatekeeper of Our Minds: New Directions in Need for Closure Theory and Research. Advances in experimental social psychology, 52, 221-283. PDF
Viola, V., Tosoni, A., Brizi, A., Salvato, I., Kruglanski, A. W., Galati, G., & Mannetti, L. (2015). Need for cognitive closure modulates how perceptual decisions are affected by task difficulty and outcome relevance. PloS one, 10(12), e0146002. PDF
Pierro, A., Sheveland, A., Livi, S., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2015). Person-group fit on the need for cognitive closure as a predictor of job performance, and the mediating role of group identification. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 19(2), 77. PDF
Belanger, J. J., Kruglanski, A.W., Chen, X., Orehek, E. & Johnson, D.J. (2015). When Mona Lisa Smiled and Love was in the Air: On the Cognitive Energetics of Motivated Judgments. Social Cognition, 2, 104-119. PDF
Livi, S., Kruglanski, A. W., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., & Kenny, D. A. (2015). Epistemic motivation and perpetuation of group culture: Effects of need for cognitive closure on trans-generational norm transmission. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 129, 105-112. PDF
Bélanger, J. J., Kruglanski, A. W., Chen, X., & Orehek, E. (2014). Bending perception to desire: Effects of task demands, motivation, and cognitive resources. Motivation and Emotion, 38(6), 802-814. PDF
Viola, V., Tosoni, A., Kruglanski, A. W., Galati, G., & Mannetti, L. (2014). Routes of motivation: Stable psychological dispositions are associated with dynamic changes in cortico-cortical functional connectivity. PloS one, 9(6), e98010. PDF
Pica, G., Pierro, A., Bélanger, J. J., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2014). The role of need for cognitive closure in retrieval-induced forgetting and misinformation effects in eyewitness memory. Social Cognition, 32(4), 337-359. PDF
Kruglanski, A. W., Chernikova, M., Rosenzweig, E., & Kopetz, C. (2014). On motivational readiness. Psychological Review, 121(3), 367. PDF
Kruglanski, A. W., Raglan, G. B., Schulkin, J., Babush, M., & Farrow, V. A. (2014). Need to know: the need for cognitive closure impacts the clinical practice of obstetrician/ gynecologists. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 14(1), 122. PDF
Pierro, A., Giacomantonio, M., Kruglanski, A. W., & van Knippenberg, D. (2014). Follower need for cognitive closure as moderator of the effectiveness of leader procedural fairness. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(4), 582-595. PDF
Belanger, J.J., Lafreniere, M-A. Vallerand, R.J. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2013) Driven by fear: The effect of success and failure information on passionate individuals’ performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 180-195. PDF
Belanger, J.J., Lafreniere, M-A. Vallerand, R.J. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2013). When passion makes the heart grow colder: The role of passion in alternative goal suppression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 126-147. PDF
Hogg, M.A., Kruglanski, A.W., and van den Bos, K. (2013) Uncertainty and the roots of extremism. Journal of Social Issues, 69, 407-418. PDF
Köpetz, C.E. Lejuez, C.W., Wiers, R.W. & Kruglanski, A.W (2013). Motivation and Self Regulation in Addiction: A Call for Convergence. Perspectives in Psychological Science, 8, 3-24. PDF
Pica, G., Pierro, A., Bélanger, J. J., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2013). The motivational dynamics of retrieval-induced forgetting: A test of cognitive energetics theory. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(11), 1530-1541. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. (2013). Only one? The Default-Interventionist Framework as a Unimodel. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8, 242-247. PDF
Pica, G., Pierro, A. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2013). Effect of Circadian Rhythms on Retrieval Induced Forgetting. Cognitive Processes, 15(1), 29-38. PDF
Roets, A., Van Hiel, A. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2013). When motivation backfires: Optimal levels of motivation as a function of cognitive capacity in information relevance perception and social judgment. Motivation and Emotion, 37, 261-273. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Belanger, J., Chen, X., Kopetz, C. Pierro, A. & Mannetti, L. (2012). The Energetics of Motivated Cognition: A Force Field Analysis. Psychological Review, 119, 1-20. PDF
Pierro, A., Kruglanski, A.W. & Raven, B.H. (2012). Motivational underpinnings of social influence in work settings: Bases of social power and the need for cognitive closure. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 41-52. PDF
Pierro, A, Mannetti, L., Kruglanski, A.W., Klein, K. Orehek, E. (2012). Persistence of attitude change, and attitude-behavior correspondence based on extensive processing of source information. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 103-111. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., & Gigerenzer, G. (2011). Intuitive and deliberate judgments are based on common principles. Psychological Review, 118, 97-109. PDF
Kopetz, C.E., Reynolds, E.K., Hart, C.L., Kruglanski, A.W., & Lejuez, C.W., (2010). Social context and perceived effects of drugs on sexual behavior among individuals who use both heroin and cocaine. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 18, 214-220. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Orehek, E. Deschesne, M., & Pierro, A. (2010). Lay epistemic theory: The motivational, cognitive, and social aspects of knowledge formation. Social and Personal Psychology Compass, 4, 939-950. PDF
Mannetti, L., Giacomantonio, M. Higgins, E.T., Pierro, A & Kruglanski, A.W. (2010). Tailoring visual images to Fit: Value Creation in Persuasive Messages. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 206-215. PDF
Mannetti, L., Levine, J.M., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A.W., (2010). Group reaction to defection: The impact of shared reality. Social Cognition, 28, 447-464. PDF
Orehek, E., Dechesne, M., Fishbach, A., Kruglanski, A.W., Chun, W.Y. (2010). On the inferential epistemics of trait centrality in impression formation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 1120-1135. PDF
Orehek, E., Fishman, S., Dechesne, M., Doosje, B., Kruglanski, A.W., Cole, A.P. Saddler, B., & Jackson, T. (2010). Need for closure and the social response to terrorism. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32, 279-290. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Dechesne,M., Orehek, E., & Pierro, A. (2009). Three decades of lay epistemics: The why, how, and who of knowledge formulation. European Review of Social Psychology, 20, 146-191. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Orehek, E., & Dechesne, M. (2009). Lay epistemic theory: The motivational, cognitive, and social aspects of knowledge formation. European Review of Social Psychology, 20, 146-191. PDF
Kopetz, C.E., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2008). Effects of accessibility and subjective relevance on the use of piecemeal and category information in impression formation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 692-705. PDF
Kruglanski, A, W., Pierro, A., & Spina, I. (2008). Night and day you are the one: On circadian mismatches and the transference effect in social perception. Psychological Science, 19, 296-301. PDF
Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2008). ‘Seizing and freezing; on a significant-person schema: Need for closure and the transference effect in social judgment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 1492-1503. PDF
Erb, H.-P., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., Spiegel, S., & Kruglanski, A. (2007). Biased processing of persuasive information: On the functional equivalence of cues and message arguments. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 1057-1075. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. & Orehek, E. (2007). Partitioning the domain of human inference: Dual mode and system models and their alternatives. Annual Review of Psychology, 8, 291-316. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., Erb, H-P, & Chun, W.Y. (2007). On the parameters of social judgment. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 39, 255-303.
Livi, S., DeGrada, E., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., Kruglanski, A.W. & Kenny, D. (2007). Bisogno di chiusura cognitiva e trasmissione di norme sperimentalmente indotte in piccoli gruppi (Need for cognitive closure and transmission of experimentally induced norms in small groups). Giornale Italiano di Psicologia (Italian Journal of Psychology), 34, 581-601.
Mannetti, L., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2007). Who regrets more after choosing a non-status-quo option? Post decisional regret under need for cognitive closure. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28, 186-196. PDF
Pierro, A., Cicero, L., Bonaiuto, M., Van Knippenberg, D. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2007). Leader group prototypicality and resistance to organizational change: The moderating role of need for closure and team identification. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology, 14, 27-40. PDF
Pierro, A., De Garda, E., Kruglanski, A.W., & Raven, B.H. (2007). Guardo di accenttazione di forme diverse di poste, stili di gestione dei conflitti e commitment organizzativo (Degree of acceptance of different forms of power, styles of conflict management and organization commitment). Rassegna di Psicologia, 24, 71-92.
Chun, W.Y. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2006) The Role of Task Demands and Processing Resources in the Use of Base Rate and Individuating Information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 205-217. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. , Chen, X. Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., Erb, H.P. & Spiegel, S. (2006). Persuasion according to the unimodel: Implications for cancer communication. Journal of Communication, 56, 105-122. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. & Dechesne, M. (2006). Are Associative and Propositional Processes Qualitatively Distinct? A Comment on Gawronski & Bodenhausen (2006). Psychological Bulletin, 132, 736-739. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Dechesne, M., Erb, H.P., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L. & Chun, W.Y. (2006). Modes, Systems and the Sirens of Specificity: The Issues in Gist. Psychological Inquiry (Authors’ Response to Commentaries), 17, 256-264. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Erb, H.P., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., & Chun. W.Y. (2006). On parametric continuities in the world of binary either ors. Psychological Inquiry 17, 153-165. (target article). PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L. & DeGrada, E. (2006). Groups as epistemic providers: Need for closure and the unfolding of group centrism. Psychological Review, 113, 84-100. PDF
Chirumbolo, A., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., Areni, A. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2005). Motivated closed mindedness and creativity in small groups. Small Groups Research, 36, 59-82. PDF
Erb, H.P., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2005). Persuasion: Ein oder Zwei Processe. (Persuasion: One or two processes). Zeitschrift fuer Sozial Psychologie, 36, 117-131. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Raviv, A., Bar-Tal, D., Raviv, A., Sharvit, K., Ellis, S., Bar, R., Pierro, A., & Mannetti, L. (2005). Says Who?: Epistemic Authority Effects in Social Judgment. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 37, 346-392.
Pierro, A., Cicero, L., Bonaiuto, M., Van Knippenberg, D. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2005). Leader group prototypicality and leadership effectiveness: The moderating roles of need for cognitive closure. The Leadership Quarterly, 16, 503-516. PDF
Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., Erb, H.P., Spiegel, S. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2005). Informational length and order of presentation as determinants of persuasion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 41, 458-469. PDF
Chirumbolo, A., Livi, S., Mannetti, L., Pierro, A. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2004). Effects of need for closure on creativity in small group interactions. European Journal of Personality, 18, 265-278. PDF
Kosic, A., Kruglanski, A.W., Pierro, A. & Mannetti, L. (2004). Social cognition of Immigrants Acculturation: Effects of the Need for Closure and the Reference Group at Entry. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 796-813. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. (2004). The quest for the gist: On challenges of going abstract in social personality psychology. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 8, 156-163. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Dechesne, M. & Chun, W.Y. (2004). Culture, thought and the unimodel. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 2, 143-167. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., & Higgins, E.T. (2004) Theory construction in social personality psychology: Personal experiences and lessons learned. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 8, 96-97.
Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., Kruglanski, A.W. & Sleeth-Keppler, D. (2004). Relevance Override: On the reduced impact of “cues” under high motivation conditions of persuasion studies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 251-264.
Pierro, A., DeGrada, E., Mannetti, L., Livi, S. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2004). Bisogno di chiusura cognitiva e risposta a violazioni normative di carattere quotidiano. (Need for closure and response to normative violations of everyday nature). Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 31, 129-140. PDF
Bar-Joseph, U., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2003). Intelligence Failure and Need for Cognitive Closure: On the Psychology of the Yom Kippur Surprise. Political Psychology, 24, 75-99. PDF
Erb, H.P., Kruglanski, A.W., Chun, Y.W., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., & Spiegel, S. (2003). Searching for commonalities in human judgment: The Parametric unimodel and its dual model alternatives. European Review of Social Psychology, 14, 1-48. PDF
Jost, J.T., Glaser, J., Kruglanski, A.W. & Sullaway, F.J. (2003). Exceptions that prove the rule: Using a theory of motivated social cognition to account for ideological incongruities and political anomalies, Psychological Bulletin, 129,. 383-393. PDF
Jost, J.T., Glaser, J., Kruglanski, A.W. & Sullaway, F.J. (2003). Political conservatism as motivated social cognition. Psychological Bulletin, 129, 339-375. PDF
Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., DeGrada, El, Livi, S., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2003) Autocracy bias in informal groups under need for closure. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 405-417. PDF
Chun, W.Y., Spiegel, S. & Kruglanski, A. W. (2002). Assimilative behavior identification can also be resource dependent: A Unimodel-Based Analysis of Dispositional Attribution Phases. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 542-555. PDF
Jost, J.T. & Kruglanski, A.W., (2002). The estrangement of social constructionism and experimental social psychology: A history of the rift and prospects for reconciliation. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 6, 168-187. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Shah, J.Y., Pierro, A. & Manetti, L. (2002). When similarity breeds contempt: Need for closure and the allure of homogeneous and self-resembling groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 642-662. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. Sleet-Keppler, D., Erb, H.P. Fishbach, A., Pierro, A., & Manetti, L. (2002). All you need is one: The persuasion unimodel and its dual-mode Alternatives. New Review of Social Psychology, 1, 62-71.
Mannetti, L., Pierro, A., Kruglanski, A.W., Taris, T., & Bezinovic, P. (2002). A cross cultural study of the need for cognitive closure scale: comparing its structure in Croatia, Italy, the USA and the Netherlands. British Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 139-156. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. (2001). Motivation and social cognition: Enemies or a love story? Revista Internacional de Psicologia y Terapia Psicologica. 1, 33-45. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. (2001). That “vision thing”: The state of theory in social and personality psychology at the edge of the new millennium. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 871-875. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. (2000). Clausura mental motivada: cerrando las puertas de nuestra alma. Revista de Psicologia Social, 15, 243-260. PDF
Sigall, H., Kruglanski, A.W., & Fyock, J. (2000). Wishful thinking and procrastination. Journal of Personality and Social Behavior. 15, 283-296. PDF
De Grada, E., Kruglanski, A.W., Mannetti, L., & Piero, A. (1999). Motivated Cognition and Group Interaction: Need for Closure Affects the Contents and Processes of Collective Negotiations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 35, 346-365. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. & Thompson, E.P. (1999). Persuasion by a single route: A view from the unimodel. Psychological Inquiry, 10, 83-110. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. & Thompson, E.P. (1999). The illusory second mode, or the Cue is the Message. Psychological Inquiry, 10, 182-193. PDF
Richter, L. & Kruglanski, A.W. (1999). Motivated search for common ground: Need for closure effects on audience design in interpersonal communication. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 1101-1114. PDF
Richter, L. & Kruglanski, A.W. (1998). Seizing on the latest: Motivationally driven recency effects in impression formation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 13, 279-301. PDF
Shah, J. Y., Kruglanski, A.W., & Thompson, E.P. (1998). Membership has its (epistemic) rewards: Need for closure effects on ingroup bias. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 383-393. PDF
Webster, D. M. and Kruglanski, A. W. (1998). Cognitive and social consequences of the motivation for closure. The European Review of Social Psychology. 8, 133-183. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Atash, M.N., DeGrada, E., Mannetti, L. & Pierro, A. (1997). Psychological theory testing versus psychometric nay saying: Need for closure scale and the Neuberg et al. critique. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 10051016. PDF
Rubini, M. & Kruglanski, A.W. (1997). Brief encounters ending in estrangement: Motivated languageuse and interpersonaI rapport. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 12, 1047 1060. PDF
Webster, D.M., Kruglanski, A.W. & Pattison, D.A. (1997). Motivated language use in intergroup contexts: Need for closure effects on the linguistic intergroup bias. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 1122113 1. PDF
De Grada, E., Kruglanski, A.W., Mannetti, L., Pierro, A., & Webster, D.M. (1996). Un'analisi strutturale comparativa delle version, USA e italiana della scala di "Bisogno di chiusura cognitiva" di Webster & Kruglanski. Testing, Psicometria, Metodologia, 3, 518.
Dijksterhuis, A.P.; Van Knippenberg, A.D.; Kruglanski, A.W.; & Schaper, C. (1996). Motivated social cognition: Need for closure effects on memory and judgment. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 32, 254270. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. (1996). The storehouse/correspondence partition in memory research: Promises and perils. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 19, 198199. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Freund, T. & BarTal, D. (1996). Motivational effects in the mere exposure paradigm. European Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 479499. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. & Webster, D.M. (1996). Motivated closing of the mind: "Seizing" and "freezing". Psychological Review, 103, 263283. PDF
Webster, D.M., Richter, L. & Kruglanski, A.W. (1996). On leaping to conclusions when feeling tired: Mental fatigue effects on impressional primacy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 32, 181195. PDF
Ford, T.E. & Kruglanski, A.W. (1995). Effects of epistemic motivations on the use of accessible contructs in social judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21, 950962. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. (1995). Motivazione e conoscenza sociale: Nemici o storia d'amore. Rassegna di Psicologia, Vol. XII, N. 2, 722.
Kruglanski, A.W. (1995). Motivatie en sociale cognitie: Liefde of haat?. Nederlandse Tijdschrift voor psychologie, 50, 2430.
Webster, D.W. & Kruglanski, A.W. (1994). Individual Differences in need for cognitive closure. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 67, 10491062. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Webster, D.M., & Klein, A. (1993). Motivated resistance and openness to persuasion in the presence or absence of prior information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 861876. PDF
Ellis, S. & Kruglanski, A. W. (1992). Self as epistemic authority: Effects on experiential and instructional learning. Social Cognition, 10, 357375. PDF
Heaton, A.W. & Kruglanski, A.W. (1991). Person perception by introverts and extroverts under time pressure: Need for closure effects. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17, 161165. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. & Webster, D.M. (1991). Group members' reactions to opinion deviates and conformists at varying degrees of proximity to decision deadline and of environmental noise. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 212225. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W., Peri, N., & Zakai, D. (1991). Interactive effects of need for closure and initial confidence on social information seeking. Social Cognition, 9, 127148. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. (1990). Lay epistemic theory in social cognitive psychology. (target article for peer commentary) Psychological Inquiry, 1, 181197. PDF
Kruglanski, A., & Mackie, D. (1990). Majority and minority influence: A judgmental process analysis. In W. Stroebe & M. Hewstone (Eds.), European Review of Social Psychology, 1, 229261. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. & Mayseless, O., (1990). Classic and current social comparison research: Expanding the perspective. Psychological Bulletin, 108, 195208. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. & Meinholdt, C. (1990). Cognitive and motivational bases of judgmental biases: Toward a synthesis. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 21, 291305. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. & Meinholdt, C. (1990). Cognitive biases, self deceptions, and defense mechanisms: Bridging the gulf. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 21, 269277.
BarTal, D., Kruglanski, A.W. & Klar, Y. (1989). Conflict termination: An epistemological analysis of international cases. Political Psychology, 10, 233255. PDF
Kruglanski, A.W. (1989). The Psychology of being "right": On the problem of accuracy in social perception and cognition. Psychological Bulletin, 106, 395409. PDF
Kruglanski, A. (1989). Schemata and inferences across time and space: On the thematic continuities of cognitive psychology. International Journal of Theoretical Psychology Annals, 1, 8595. PDF
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Mayseless, O., & Kruglanski, A. W. (1987). What makes you so sure? Effects of epistemic motivations on judgmental confidence. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 39, 162183. PDF
Mayseless, O. & Kruglanski, A. W. (1987). Accuracy of estimates in the social comparison of abilities. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 23, 217229. PDF
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Book Chapters in Edited Books
Kruglanski, A.W., Chernikova, M., & Kopetz, C. (2015). Emerging trends in motivation science: The "What" and the "How" of Willing and Striving. In R. Scott & S. Kosslyn (Eds). Emerging trends in social and behavioral sciences, NJ: John Wiley & Sons
Kruglanski, A.W., Klein, K., Pierro, A., & Mannetti, L. (2014). The unimodel unfolding. In J. Sherman, B. Gawronski, & Y. Trope (Eds.) Dual Process Theories of the Social Mind. New York: Guilford Press.
Kruglanski, A.W. & Sheveland, A. (2013) The role of epistemic motivations in knowledge formation. In S. Kreitler (Ed.) Cognition and motivation: Forging an interdisciplinary perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Kruglanski, A.W. (2012) Lay epistemic theory. In P.A.M. Van Lange, A.W. Kruglanski, & E.T. Higgins (Eds) In Handbook of theories of social psychology (Vol 1) (pp. 201-233). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Kruglanski, A.W., & Orehek, E. (2012) The need for certainty as a psychological nexus for individuals and society. In M.A. Hogg & D.L. Blaylock (Eds) Extremism and the psychology of uncertainty (pp. 1-18). New York, Guilford Press.
Kruglanski, A.W., & Shteynberg, G. (2012) Cognitive consistency as means to an end: How subjective logic affords knowledge. In B. Gawronski & F. Strack (Eds.) Cognitive consistency: A fundamental principle in social cognition (pp. 245-264.). New York: Guilford Press.
Kruglanski, A.W., & Orehek, E. (2011). The role of the quest for personal significance in motivating terrorism. In J.P. Forgas, A.W. Kruglanski, & K.D. Williams, (Eds.) The Psychology of Social Conflict and Aggression. New York: Psychology Press.
Courage, M.L., Howe, M.L., Ilkowski,M., Engle, R.W., Kossowska, M. Orehek, E., Kruglanski, A.W. . . . Brzezicka, A. (2010) Individual differences in working memory and higher-ordered processing: The commentaries. In A. Gruszka, G. Matthews, & B. Szymura, (Eds.). Handbook of Individual Differences in Cognition: Attention, Memory, and Executive Control (pp. 369-382). New York: Springer Science.
Kossowska, M., Orehek, E., & Kruglanski, (2010) Motivation towards closure and cognitive resources: An individual differences approach. In A. Gruszka, G. Matthews, & B. Szymura, (Eds.). Handbook of Individual Differences in Cognition: Attention, Memory, and Executive Control (pp. 369-382). New York: Springer Science.
Kruglanski, A.W. & Kopetz, C. (2010). Unpacking the self-control dilemma and its modes of resolution. In R. Hassin, K. Ochsner, & Y. Trope (Eds.) Self-control in Society, Mind & Brain (pp.297-311).. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kruglanski, A. W., Orehek, E., Higgins, E. T., Pierro, A. & Shalev, I. (2010). Modes of self-regulation: Assessment and locomotion as independent determinants in goal-pursuit. In R. Hoyle (Ed.) Handbook of Personality and Self-Regulation (375-402). Malden. MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Dechesne, M. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2009). Motivated cognition in interpersonal context: Need for closure and its implications for information regulation and social interaction. In. T.S. Afifi, & W.A. Afifi (Eds.) Uncertainty, Information Management, and Disclosure Decisions: Theories and Applications (pp. 128-141). New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Fitzsimons, G.M., Friesen, J., Orehek, E., & Kruglanski. A.W. (2009). Progress-induced goal shifting as a self-regulatory strategy. In J.P. Forgas, R.F. Baumeister, & D.M. Tice (Eds.) Psychology of self-regulation: Cognitive, Affective, and Motivational Processes (pp. 183-197). New York: Psychology press.
Kruglanski, A.W. & Fishman, S. (2009). The need for cognitive closure In M. Leary and R. H. Hoyle (Eds). Handbook of individual differences in social behavior (pp. 343-353). New York: Guilford.
Kruglanski, A.W., & Kopetz, C. (2009). The role of goal systems in self-regulations. In E. Morsella, J.A. Bargh, & P.M. Gollwitzer (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Human Action (pp. 350-367). New York: Oxford University Press.
Kruglanski, A.W. & Kopetz, C. (2009). What is so special (and non special) about goals ? A view from the cognitive perspective. In Moscovitz, G. & Grant, H. (Eds.). The Psychology of Goals (pp. 27-55). Now York: Guilford.
Higgins, E.T., Pierro, A. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2008). Re-thinking culture and personality: How self-regulatory universals create cross-cultural differences. In R. Sorrentino (Ed). Handbook of Motivation and Cognition Within and Across Cultures (pp. 161-190). New York: Guilford Press.
Kruglanski, A.W. & Chun, W.Y. (2008). Motivated closed-mindedness and its social consequences. In J.Y Shah, & W.L. Gardner (Eds.) Handbook of Motivation Science (pp. 84-99). New York: Guilford Press.
Shah J.Y., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2008). Structural dynamics: The challenge of change in goal systems. In J.Y Shah, & W.L. Gardner (Eds.) Handbook of Motivation Science (pp. 217-229). New York: Guilford Press.
Cole, A., Adams-Fuller, T., Cole, O.J., Kruglanski, A.W., & Glymph, A. (2007). Making sense of a hurricane: Social identity and attribution explanations of race-related differences in Katrina disaster responses. In H. Potter (Ed.). Racing the Storm (pp. 3-32). Idaho Falls, Idaho: Lexington Books.
Kruglanski, A.W. & Semin, G. (2007). The epistemic bases of interpersonal communication. In M. Hewstone, H.A.W. Schut, J.B.F. De Wit, K. van den Bos, & M.S. Stroebe (Eds.) The Scope of Social Psychology: Theory and Applications (pp. 107-120). New York: Psychology Press.
Kruglanski, A.W. & Sleeth-Keppler, D. (2007). Principles of social judgment. In A.W. Kruglanski & E.T., Higgins (Eds.). Social Psychology: A Handbook of Basic Principles (2nd Edition) (pp. 116-137). New York: Guilford.
Chun, W.Y, & Kruglanski, A. W. (2005). Consumption as a Multiple Goal Pursuit without Awareness. In F. R. Kardes, P. M. Herr, & J. Nantel. (Eds.), Applying social cognition to consumer-focused strategy (pp. 25-43). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kruglanski, A.W., & Stroebe, W. (2005). The influence of belief and goals on attitudes: Issues of structure, function and dynamics. In. D. Albarracin, B. Johnson, & M.P. Zanna (Eds.). Handbook of Attitude Research (pp. 323-368). New York: Guilford.
Richter, L., & Kruglanski, A.W. (2004). Motivated closed mindedness and the emergence of culture. In M. Schaller & C. Crandall (Eds.). The Psychological Foundations of Culture (pp. 101-121). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
Kruglanski, A.W., Chun, W.Y., Erb, H.P,, Pierro, A., Mannetti, L., & Spiegel, S. (2003). A parametric model of human judgment: Integrating the dual-mode frameworks in social cognition from a singular perspective. In J. Forgas, Von Hippel, W., and K. Williams (Eds.), Social Judgments: Implicit and explicit process (pp. 137-161). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kruglanski, A.W., Erb, H.P., Spiegel, S., & Pierro, A. (2003). A parametric unimodel of human judgment: A fanfare to the common thinker. In L.G. Aspinwall & U.M. Staudinger (Eds.). A psychology of human strengths: Fundamental questions and future directions for a positive psychology (pp. 197-210). Washington, D.C.: APA Press.
Kruglanski, A.W., Fishbach, A., Erb, H.P., Pierro, A., & Mannetti, L. (2003). The unimodel as a theory of persuasion. In G. Haddock and G. R. Maio (Eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Attitudes for the 21st Century: The Gregynog Symposium. New York: Psychology Press.
Shah, J.Y., Kruglanski, A.W., & Friedman, R. (2003). Motivation as cognition: A goal systemic analysis of thought, action and performance. In S. Spencer, Fein, S., M. Zanna, & J. Olson (Eds.).The Ontario Symposium. (Vol. 9, pp. 247-276).. Hillsdale, J.:Erlbaum.
Kruglanski, A.W., Erb, H.P., Pierro, A. & Spiegel, S. (2001). A parametric unimodel of human judgment: A fanfare to the common thinker. In L.G. Aspinwall & U.M. Staudinger (Eds.). A psychology of human strengths: Perspectives on an emerging field. Washington, D.C.: APA Press.
Kruglanski, A.W. (2000). Social cognition, social representations and the dilemmas of social theory construction. In K. Deaux & G. Philogene (Eds.). Social representations: Introductions and explorations (pp. 242-248). New York: Blackwell.
Kruglanski, A.W., & Webster, D.M. (2000). Motivated closing of the mind: ‘Siezing’ and ‘freezing.’ In E.T. Higgins & A.W. Kruglanski (Eds) Motivational Science: Social and Personality Perspectives (pp. 354-375). New York: Psychology Press.
Shah, J. Y.& Kruglanski, A.W. (2000). Aspects of goal networks: Implications for self regulation. In M. Boekaerts, P.R. Pintrich, and M. Zeidner (Eds.), Handbook of self regulation (pp. 85-110). San Diego: Academic Press.
Shah, J.Y.& Kruglanski, A.W. (2000). The structure and substance of intrinsic motivation. In C. Sansone & J.M. Harackiewicz (Eds.), Intrinsic Motivation: Controversies and New Directions (pp. 105-127) San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Thompson, E.P., Kruglanski, A.W. & Spiegel, S. (2000). Attitudes as knowledge structures and persuasion as a specific case of subjective knowledge acquisition. In J.M. Olson & G.R. Maio (Eds.). Why we evaluate: Functions of attitudes (pp. 59-95). Mahvah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Jost, J.T., Kruglanski, A.W.,& Simon, L. (1999). Effects of epistemic motivation on conservatism, intolerance, and other system justifying attitudes. In L. Thompson, D.M. Messick, and J.M. Levine (Eds.), Shared knowledge in organizations (pp. 91-116). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
Kruglanski, A.W., Thompson, E.P. & Spiegel, S. (1999). Separate or equal?: Bimodal notions of persuasion and a single process "unimodel." In S. Chaiken and Y. Trope (Eds.), Dual process models in social cognition: A source book (pp. 293-313). New York: Guilford.
Kruglanski, A.W. (1996). Epistemique naive: Comment sont formee des credences. In J. L. Beavois and J. C. Deschamps (Eds.), Traite de Psychologie Sociale (Vol. 11, pp. 221 223). Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
Kruglanski, A. W. (1996). Goals as knowledge structures. In P.M. Gollwitzer and J. A. Bargh (Eds.), The psychology of action: Linking cognition and motivation to behavior (pp. 599 618). New York: Guilford.
Kruglanski, A. W. (1996). Motivated social cognition: Principles of the interface. In E. T. Higgins and A. W. Kruglanski (Eds.), Social Psychology: A Handbook of Basic Principles (pp. 493-522). New York: Guilford.
Kruglanski, A. W. (1996). Motivated gatekeeper of our minds: Need for closure effects on interpersonal phenomena. In E.T. Higgins and R.M. Sorrentino (Eds.), The Handbook of Motivation and Cognition (Vol. 3, pp. 465 496). New York: Guilford.
Kruglanski, A.W. (1995). Lay epistemics. In A.S.R. Manstead and M. Hewstone (Eds.), The Blackwell Dictionary of Social Psychology. Blackwell: Oxford.
Kruglanski, A.W. (1994). The social cognitive bases of scientific knowledge. In William Shadish & Steve Fuller (Eds.). The Social Psychology of Science (pp. 197-213). The Guilford Press: New York, London.
Kruglanski, A.W. (1990). Motivations for judging and knowing: Implications for causal attribution. In E.T. Higgins and R.M. Sorrentino (Eds.). The Handbook of Motivation and Cognition (Vol. 2, pp. 333 386). New York: Guilford.
Kruglanski, A.W. (1990). Conditions for accuracy: general and specific. In J.P. Caverni, J.M. Fabre and M. Gonzales (Eds.), Cognitive biases: Their contribution to understanding human cognitive processes, (pp. 15 34). Amsterdam: North Holland.
Klar, Y., Bar Tal, D., & Kruglanski, A.. (1989). Conflict as a cognitive schema. In W. Stroebe, A. Kruglanski, D. Bar Tal, & M. Hewstone (Eds.), The social psychology of intergroup conflict: Theory and research (pp.73-85). New York: Springer.
Bar-Tal, D. & Kruglanski, A.W. (1988). The social psychology of knowledge: Its scope and meaning. In D. Bar-Tal, & A.W. Kruglanski (Eds). The Social Psychology of Knowledge (pp. 1-14). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Kruglanski, A. (1988). Knowledge as a social psychological construct. In D. Bar Tal & A. Kruglanski (Eds.), The Social Psychology of Knowledge (pp.109-141). Oxford: Cambridge University Press.
Kruglanski, A., & Jaffe, Y. (1988). Curing by Knowing: The epistemic approach to cognitive therapy. In L. Abramson (Ed.), Social Cognition and Clinical Psychology (pp. 254-291). New York: The Guilford Press.
Kruglanski, A. (1987). Blame placing schemata in attributional research. In C. F. Graumann & S. Moscovici (Eds.), Changing Conceptions of Conspiracy Theories (pp. 219-229). New York: Springer.
Kruglanski, A. & Klar, 1. (1985). Knowing what to do: On the epistemology of actions. In J. Kuhl & J. Beckmann, Action Control: From Cognition to Behavior (pp. 101-128). New York: Springer.
Kruglanski, A., & Baldwin, M. W., & Towson, S. (1983). The lay epistemic process in social cognition. In M. Hewstone (Ed.), New Developments in Attribution Theory (pp. 81-95). Oxford: Blackwell and in German translation. D. Frey & M. Irle (Eds.), Sozialpsychologische Theorienerspektiven, Vol. 2. Bern: Huber Verlag.
Kruglanski, A., & Jaffe, Y. (1983). The lay epistemic model in cognitive therapy. In M. Rosenbaum, C. Franks, & Y. Jaffe (Eds.), Perspective on Behavior Therapy in the 80's (pp. 217-233). New York: Springer.
Kruglanski, A. (1982). The consistency principle in dissonance and attribution. In H. Hiebsch, H. Brandstatter, & H. Kelley (Eds.), Social Psychology. VEB Deutscher Verlag: Berlin.
Kruglanski, A. (1978). Endogenous attribution and intrinsic motivation. In D. Greene & M. R. Lepper (Eds.), The Hidden Costs of Reward: New Perspective on the Psychology of Human Motivation (pp. 85-108).. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Pub.
Kruglanski, A., Hamel, I., Maides, S., & Schwartz, J. (1978). Attribution theory as a special case of lay epistemology. In J. H. Harvey, W. J. Ickes, & R. F. Kidd (Eds.), New Directions in Attribution Research (Vol. 2, pp. 299-333). Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Raven, B. H., & Kruglanski, A. W. (1970) Power and conflict. In P. Swingle (Ed.), The Structure of Conflict, (pp.69-109). New York: Academic Press.