Arie W. Kruglanski
Distinguished Professor of Psychology | University of Maryland, College Park
I am a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Maryland, where I direct the Motivated Cognition Laboratory at the Department of Psychology. Among the projects the lab is currently pursuing are violent extremism, political activism, the quest for significance, coping with uncertainty, and closed-mindedness. Our research uses a variety of methods, including lab experiments, neuroscience techniques, computer modeling, text analyses, and surveys. Our laboratory collaborates closely with the Sapienza University of Rome (in Italy); the Jagiellonian University (in Krakow, Poland); the University of Groningen (in the Netherlands); Nanyang Technological University (in Singapore); and New York University Abu Dhabi.
Featured Works
Selected Papers

Webber, D., Molinario, E., Jasko, K., Gelfand, M.J., & Kruglanski, A.W. (in press). The Way They See Us: Intergroup Metaperceptions of Syrian Refugees. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Contu, F., Ellenberg, M. Kruglanski, A.W., & Pierro, A. (in press). People Act Extremely towards Their Amorous Partner When They Feel Insignificant. Personal Relationships.

Ellenberg, M., Speckhard, A., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2023). Beyond violent extremism: A 3N perspective of inceldom. Psychology of Men and Masculinities.

Kruglanski, A.W., Ellenberg, M., Szumowska, E., Molinario, E. Speckhard, A., Leander, N.P., Pierro, A. Di Cicco, G. & Bushman, B. (in press). Frustration-Aggression hypothesis reconsidered: The role of significance quest. Aggressive behavior.

DiSanto, D. Pierro, A., Ellenberg, M., Baldner, C. & Kruglanski, A.W. (in press). By All Means Necessary: Closed Mindedness, Ingroup Morality and Weapon Ownership. European Journal of Social Psychology.

Kaltenthaler, K., Kruglanski, A.W. & Knuppe, A.J. (in press). The Paradox of the Heavy-Handed Insurgent: Public Support for the Taliban Among Afghan Pashtuns. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.

Resta, E. Mollenberg, M., Kruglanski, A.W. & Pierro, A. (in press). Marie Curie vs. Serena Williams: Ambition Leads toExtremism through Obsessive (but not Harmonious) Passion. Motivation and Emotion.

Szumowska, E., Wojcik, N., Schwed, P. & Kruglanski, A.W. (in press) Say who? Credibility Effects in Self-Verification Strivings. Psychological Science.

Pica, G. Milyavsky, M., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A.W. (in press). The Epistemic Bases of Changes of Opinion and Choices:The Joint Effects of the Need for Cognitive Closure, Ascribed Epistemic Authority and Quality of Advice. European Journal of Social Psychology. PDF

Szumowska, E. & Kruglanski, A.W. (in press). The psychology of getting busy: Multitasking as a consequence of goal activation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. PDF

Jasko, K, Webber, D. Molinario, E. & Kruglanski, A.W. (in press). Ideological Extremism among Syrian Refugees Is Negatively Related to Intentions to Migrate to the West. Psychological Science. PDF

Kruglanski, A.W., Szumowska, E. & Kopetz. C.E. (in press). The call of the wild: How extremism happens. Current Directions in Psychological Science. PDF

Jasko, K., Grzymala-Maoszczynska, J., Maj, M., Szastok, M. & Kruglanski, A.W. (2020). Making Americans feel great again? Personal significance predicts political intentions of losers and winners of the 2016 U.S. elections. Political Psychology. PDF

Webber, D., Kruglanski, A., Molinario, E., Jasko, K. (2020). Ideologies that justify terrorism and political violence. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 107-111. PDF

Leander, N. P., Kreienkamp, J., Agostini, M., Stroebe, W., Gordijn, E. H., & Kruglanski, A. W. (2020). Biased hate crime perceptions can reveal supremacist sympathies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (32), 19072-19079. PDF

Kruglanski, A.W., Szumowska, E., Kopetz, C., Vallerand, R.J., & Pierro, A. (2020). On the psychology of extremism: How motivational imbalance breeds intemperance. Psychological Review. PDF

Jasko, K., Webber, D., Kruglanski, A. W., Gelfand, M., Taufiqurrohman, M., Hettiarachchi, M., & Gunaratna, R. (2019). Social context moderates the effects of quest for significance on violent extremism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. PDF

Kruglanski, A. W., Fernandez, J. R., Factor, A. R., & Szumowska, E. (2019). Cognitive mechanisms in violent extremism. Cognition, 188, 116-123. PDF

Kruglanski, A. W., Fishbach, A., Woolley, K., Bélanger, J. J., Chernikova, M., Molinario, E., & Pierro, A. (2018). A structural model of intrinsic motivation: On the psychology of means-ends fusion. Psychological Review, 125(2), 165-182. PDF

Kruglanski, A.W., Jasko, K., Chernikova, M., Milyavsky, M. Babush, M., Baldner, C. & Pierro, A. (2016). The rocky road from attitudes to behaviors: Charting the goal systemic course of actions. Psychological Review. PDF

Kruglanski, A. W., Chernikova, M., Rosenzweig, E., & Kopetz, C. (2014). On motivational readiness. Psychological Review, 121(3), 367. PDF

Kruglanski, A.W., Belanger, J., Chen, X., Kopetz, C. Pierro, A. & Mannetti, L. (2012). The Energetics of Motivated Cognition: A Force Field Analysis. Psychological Review, 119, 1-20. PDF

Kruglanski, A.W., & Gigerenzer, G. (2011). Intuitive and deliberate judgments are based on common principles. Psychological Review, 118, 97-109. PDF

Kruglanski, A.W., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L. & DeGrada, E. (2006). Groups as epistemic providers: Need for closure and the unfolding of group centrism. Psychological Review, 113, 84-100. PDF

Kruglanski, A.W. & Webster, D.M. (1996). Motivated closing of the mind: "Seizing" and "freezing". Psychological Review, 103, 263283. PDF

Kruglanski, A. (1980). Lay epistemologic process and contents: Another look at attribution theory. Psychological Review, 87, 7087. PDF

Kruglanski, A. (1975). The endogenousexogenous partition in attribution theory. Psychological Review, 82, 3 87406. PDF
Press and Opinion Editorials
July 23, 2024

A Gazan 'Marshall Plan': Israel must not only defeat Hamas but provide an alternative - opinion
March 18, 2022

$2.6 M In DOD Grants to Fund Studies of Climate Change Impact on Security
March 1, 2022

Putin is on a quest for historical significance by invading Ukraine and gambling on his own and Russia’s glory
December 8, 2021

U.S. Threat to Squeeze Russia’s Economy Is a Tactic With a Mixed Record
November 9, 2021

Violent extremism is on the rise. How to prevent people from turning to hateful ideologies
November 4, 2021

'Hate at Home' addresses growing wave of violent extremism
October 15, 2021

How to Moderate Extreme Thinking, Behavior and Obsessions at Work
June 4, 2021

Was ist psychologischer Extremismus, Herr Kruglanski?
May 6, 2021

Doctor, Lawyer, Insurrectionist: The Radicalization of Simone Gold
April 20, 2021

Post-riot effort to tackle extremism in the military largely overlooks veterans
April 14, 2021

A scientist’s opinion: Interview with Professor Arie Kruglanski about our need for cognitive closure during COVID-19
interview by Julianna Photopolous for European Science Media Hub
March 11, 2021

How the quest for significance and respect underlies the white supremacist movement, conspiracy theories and a range of other problems
March 2, 2021

Why Have So Many Recent Extremist Events Involved Ohioans?
interview by Michael Monks for Cincinnati Public Radio (30:00 minute mark)
February 18, 2021

Psychologist details historic ties between pandemics and extremism
February 16, 2021

Pandemics have spawned extremist movements since ancient times
January 13, 2021

Extremism then and now. My discussion with USSMH historian Dr. Patricia Heberer Rite
January 12, 2021

Arie Kruglanski: One Survivor's Quest to Make the World a Better Place
Yael Luttwak & Megan Maggi
January 17, 2021

Joe Biden's Options for Dealing with Donald Trump are Worse than Watergate
January 15, 2021

Insurrection at the Capitol: The Escalating Radicalization of American Politics
January 11, 2021

What drives the pro-Trump mob
Understanding that psychology may allow us to mitigate and prevent far-right extremism.
The Boston Globe
June 9, 2020

State of Global Emergency: Rising Social Tensions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
World Government Summit (on YouTube)
August 7, 2019

How to Talk About People Disengaging from Violent Extremism
United States Institute of Peace (YouTube)

November 2, 2018
The psychology of how someone becomes radicalized
Angela Fritz for The Washington Post
November 1, 2018

Psychology of Violent Extremism
A conversation with Christian Piccolini for the MPOWER project (YouTube)
April 20, 2018

Reducing Prejudice through Empathy
moderated by David Gregory, CNN analyist
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
February 12, 2018

Countering Violent Extremism
A lecture at the US Embassy Berlin (YouTube)
January 9, 2018

Understanding the Global Refugee Crisis: A Tale of 3 Myths
The National Interest
Dr. Arie W. Kruglanski
3147H Biology/Psychology Building, University of Maryland
4094 Campus Dr
College Park, MD 20742
+1 301-405-5918 (O)
+1 301-204-6932 (M)